Stormy Lake Rock Bass Derby Click here to see history.
2010's Derby was held without the benefit of the signs that are usually posted around the lake. 
A small but lively group turned out for the weigh in between 10 and 11am on Civic Holiday Monday.
This year we had only 6 participants, 3 from the McAllister group, 2 from the Woodward group and William Mott.
Even though the number of participants was rather low the results were quite good.  A total of 279 fish were caught. 

The good news is that catching a large quantity of rock bass is getting harder and harder.  The reports around the lake are that the small mouth bass are getting larger and more plentiful.

All participants received a tackle box and a lure. 

Prize winners also received a trophy and flashlight.

  • Most by a group: 164
  • Largest: 9.5 inches
  • Most 10 and under: 20

Thanks to the following people for helping out with the Derby:

Organizer: Ray Thompson (on the right below)
Plaques: Peter Thompson (centre below) & Kevin Bowser

Trophies & Hole Digger: Don Dillon shown below with Nola Mott (Don is the one in the hat)

Others: Michele (left below), Darlene and Sean Thompson

We plan to hold the Rock Bass Derby every second year in the future. See you there in 2012.


Volunteers are always needed to continue staging these beneficial events as there are always casualties (see below). Complete documentation is on the Stormy Lake Events page. Lets get some help for the Thompsons in 2012.