Directions to Stormy Lake


Most of Haliburton County's highways, county roads, township roads and private roads changed names in 2004 due to the implementation of 9-1-1. Get a map published since 2004. Only new names are used below.


Keep in mind that road signs often get knocked down, plowed under and stolen.

Google Navigation
Most roads around Stormy Lake appear on Google Maps. There are still several significant errors. For instance Journey's End Trail is shown as joining with Nestle Trail which is correct only if you are hiking or on an ATV. 
As of July 2016 the 3 main road names work in Google Maps:

Stormy Lake Road
Journey's End Trail
Nestle Trail

Enter the Road Name Highlands East, ON
If you enter an address number it won't find anything.

Several other road names appear but have errors and may or may not work correctly in Google Navigation.

From Northern Ontario

Get to Haliburton any way you can.

From Haliburton take 118 east for 5 km. Turn right (south) onto 3 Glamorgan Road toward GOODERHAM.

Distances to roads off Glamorgan Road south of Highway 118:
Note: Stormy Lake roads are in bold letters

 5.5 km - Minicock Rd/Fallowfield Rd
 8.0 km - Journey's End Trail
 8.4 km - Heaton Lane
 8.6 km - Break of Day Lane
 9.1 km - Carter Lane
 9.4 km - Stormy Lake Rd 
10.2 km - Telephone Bay Rd 
10.6 km - Alsop Road (to Nestle Trail)

Nestle Trail is first left off Alsop Road, 2 km east of Glamorgan Road 

From South West Ontario

Get to Kinmount any way you can.

There are many ways. Here are two suggested routes from Toronto:

    • take 404 north to Davis Drive then 48 north past Sutton through Virginia to 12. Take 12 north a few km then 48 (again) east through Kirkfield to 35. Take 35 north to Norland. Take 503 east out of Norland to Kinmount.
    • take 401 east to 115 (toward Peterborough) then 35 north (around Lindsay) then 121 through Fenelon Falls to Kinmount.
Take 503 east out of Kinmount through Irondale toward Gooderham. 

After you pass the Irondale signs it is about another 8-10km until you turn left (north) onto 3 Glamorgan Road toward HALIBURTON.

 If you reach Gooderham you have gone 1 km too far. 

Then follow the directions in the last section of this page.

From East and South East Ontario

Get to Gooderham any way you can.

To get to Gooderham from Peterborough:

  • take Water Street north (County Road 29 - CR 29) out of Peterborough toward Lakefield
  • watch for the left turn onto 23 at Paris Marina
  • take 23 through Selwyn to Buckhorn
  • 23 changes to 36 in Buckhorn
  • continue on 36 to the 507 turn off
  • take 507 north to Gooderham 
  • To get to Gooderham from Bancroft:
    • take Highway 28 south toward Peterborough for about 7 km
    • turn right onto 118 toward Haliburton
    • at Tory Hill take 503 (stay left) to Gooderham. 
    From Gooderham take 503 west out of Gooderham toward Kinmount. Within 1 km turn right (north) onto 3 Glamorgan Road toward HALIBURTON.

    Then follow the directions in the next section of this page.

    From Highway 503 & Glamorgan Road to:

    Nestle Trail

    Proceed about 6 km north on 3 Glamorgan Road (2 km past Ursa Road) to Alsop Road.

    Proceed 2 km east on Alsop Road. Turn left onto Nestle Trail. 


    Stormy Lake Road

    Proceed about 7 km north on Glamorgan Road, past Ursa Road, Alsop Road, Telephone Bay Rd.

    Journey's End Trail

    Proceed about 9 km north on Glamorgan Road past Ursa Road, Alsop Road, Telephone Bay Road, Stormy Lake Road, Carter Lane, Break of Day Lane, Heaton Lane.