Stormy Lake Events
Stormy Lake
Rock Bass Derby


The rock bass derby, usually held on the Civic Holiday long weekend every second year has been suspended by the organizers. 

Ray organized it in 2012 and asked that someone else to run it in 2014. Noone has stepped up so it is suspended until someone does.

Email the Webmaster if you wish to take a leadership role or help in any way.

As you can see in the Derby Information section on the right, most of the organizational work is well documented. The trophies are the biggest job.

Rock Bass Derby

A lake-wide event
that helps maintain
good sport fishing
on Stormy Lake.

Start fishing any time on the Friday of the August long weekend (or earlier). Weigh in 10 am Civic Holiday Monday at the boat launch. 

Lots of prizes and trophies for fisherpersons of all ages from all roads. Prize donations are always welcome.

Derby Information:

  • Trophies - Rules - Donations
  • How to Identify Fish
  • History
  • Echo Article
  • Print Your Own Entry Form
  • PDF version of Entry Form
  • Volunteer Equipment
  • Organizational Tasks
  • Stormy Lake

    New Energy Needed

    Email the Webmaster if you wish to take a leadership role or help in any way.
    After several years of efforts and discussion amongst people from all areas of the lake, the Stormy Lake Association was started on July 8, 2006. It was suspended in 2009 due to the exhorbitant cost of director and officer insurance and the unwillingness to serve without it.

    A Membership Drive is needed to rejuviunate it. Structure is still in place. To review the organizational work that has been done click below:

    Stormy Lake Association navbar

    North Stormy Lake
    Cottager's Association
    Annual Meeting - 11 am Saturday of the August long weekend. 
    South Stormy Lake
    Cottager's Association
    Annual Meeting - held the Saturday of the Victoria Day long weekend.

    Road Work Party - July long weekend

    Annual Corn Roast - labour Day long weekend at boat launch 
    Nestle Trail
    Annual Meeting - 10 am to 12 noon on the Sunday of the Victoria Day long weekend.

    Road Work Party - Man your shovels, trimmers, chain saws and clippers for 2 hours starting at 9:30 am on the Sunday of the August Long Weekend. Guests welcome. Meet at the parking lot across from #6. Refreshments provided. If you can't attend please put in a couple of hours work some time before the scheduled day. Every cottage is expected to participate.
    Annual Barbecue - starting at 4 pm on a Saturday in late July to mid August at one of the member cottages.